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Global Virtual Education Fair 2020


The wait is over! Let’s keep the drums rolling and the trumpets blazing because it's that time of the year again! 

AECC Global is bringing back the annual Global Education fair in an all new (virtual) avatar. GVEF 2020 - Global Virtual Education Fair, your one-stop destination for all your study abroad needs is here!

Mark your calendars this October 24th, 2020, as we will be taking you on a whole new journey filled with dreams and excitement. It’s time to buckle up and fly high!

Why study abroad?

Education plays a role of paramount importance in the lives of students. The students of our country deserve the best of the best for their dream education. Studying abroad will endow the students with a once in a lifetime opportunity to explore and enrich their knowledge and personality by widening their horizon. 

Challenging themselves by building everything from scratch in a foreign country, to coexist with students of various ethnicities, and learning to be independent will only add more to the prodigious qualities of the ambitious and aspiring students of today's generation.

To ensure that no barricades are standing between you and your dream education, our Global virtual Education Fair is here to put all your concerns and worries regarding your study abroad plans to rest.

What is GVEF 2020?

The Global Virtual Education Fair 2020 is the first-ever virtual event by AECC Global.

This revamped virtual education fair will ensure that all the resourceful and exciting information is available at your fingertips! This will serve as your go-to resource for planning your study abroad.

From mapping your Visa and University application process to ensuring that you will get to experience the best student life in your choice of study destination, everything will be taken care of by us! 

All you have to do is, make sure that you are available for GVEF 2020 with your best self-present!

Why you should attend GVEF 2020:

  • GVEF 2020 will be bringing together the top universities from all across the globe, including the U.K., the U.S.A, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, onto a virtual platform just for you!
  • This interactive platform will allow you to pose all your queries and get them answered by the representatives from world-renowned universities. You will be able to gain insights and clarity into the next course of action. 
  • You will be able to connect with the top universities' representatives in real-time and get access to more information from all your preferred universities and desired courses.
  • You will also gain expert Career-counseling regarding your favourite courses at your desired study destination.
  • If you have been anticipating scholarships to study abroad and other international students' benefits for this year, GVEF will be your go-to platform where you can avail all of the exciting information. 

GVEF 2020 grants you the opportunity to access all of this crucial information and exciting news just at the comfort of your house, within the four walls of your room.

Who we are

AECC Global is one of the leading study abroad consultants in India. We function with the sole purpose of making overseas education accessible to all the young and able-minded students across the world.

Our dedicated teams of seasoned overseas education consultants will help aspiring students like you make the right decision, and choose the best course of action. AECC Global will act as your guide in navigating your way to your dream education. 

Grab this opportunity to secure yourself a bright future in your desired study destination by registering for GVEF 2020. 

Your dream education is just a click away!

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